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How I transition from Academia to UX Research & UX Research articles on Medium:

From Academia to UX Research
From Academia to UX Research

It will be helpful if you are a PhD student and are curious about pursuing a career in the UX world.

What’s positive about a UX researcher having a PhD in Neurosciences?
What’s positive about a UX Researcher having a PhD in Neurosciences?

It explains some of the differences that an academic working as a UX researcher may encounter when talking to colleagues coming from outside academia.

Challenges of remote user interviews.webp
Challenges of Remote User Interviews: A UX Researcher’s Perspective

It explains 6 challenges that I face as a UX researcher and how to deal with them.

in-house vs. agency ux researcher.webp
In-House vs. Agency UX Researcher

It compares the experiences of working as a UX researcher in a company versus an agency, highlighting differences in project focus, company culture, work styles...

embracing fear on my ux research journey
Beyond Academia: Embracing Fear on my UX Research Journey

It explains the general fears and challenges (and how to alleviate them) that someone may encounter when entering the field of UX research.

Vocal alignment.webp
Vocal alignment with users

Discover the magic of vocal alignment for meaningful user connections. 

Insights into working in a non-native environment.webp
Insights into Working in a Non-Native Environment

It highlights issues such as accent bias, emotional distance, humor and language differences, and increased mental load.

cognitive load.webp
The Psychology of User Interaction (I)

It explores the importance of managing cognitive load in UX design to enhance user experience and how to minimize it.

law of proximity Gestalt.webp
The Psychology of User Interaction (II)

It discusses how Gestalt psychology principles influence UX design, emphasizing the importance of design elements to create intuitive and engaging digital interfaces

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